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Bayview is a coastal city located in the Southern Hemisphere of HelloMiners, and a founding member of the Southern Union for Development. The city was founded in 2019 by CakeDevil_275, and has since been known for its immense network of transport infrastructure and its role in serverwide politics, particularly in matters concerning the HMSU.
A Tier 3 city, Bayview is located on Blue Bay opposite Traquai. There are multiple bridges connecting the two, who collaborate on various projects (such as their shared Ironball team). Bayview also works closely with neighbouring Archendale, Alexandria, Cape Coral and Valnir as well as Dubai and Montego Bay.
The city puts a significant focus on in-game roleplay, with its own legal system, government and remains the only city to democratically elect its leader. CakeDevil_275 is the current President of Bayview, having been re-elected in December 2023.
- West Bay; beach, modern
- Chalette; commercial, European
- Financial; modern
- Governmental
- Industrial
Suburbs (planned):
- Estates
- Lakehouses
- Canova; villas
- Modern
Notable Structures
- Bayview Airport
- One of the largest in the server, the airport has been widely praised for its innovation and won two consecutive Horizon Awards for architecture.
- Bayview Theatre
- Based on His Majesty's Theatre in London, this public building includes a bar and a stage area that has hosted various events.
- Bayview Bowl
- The first and only to be completely submerged underwater, this iconic stadium is home to the Bayview Beasts and Blue Bay Phantoms.
- Jacyview
- This statue of oJacy, based on the Statue of Liberty, has stood in the Blue Bay ocean since 2020.
- Bayview Palace
- The official residence of the President, this large palace was designed by LunaticCultist in 2021.
Transport Links
Bayview is connected by rail on the South Line, Great Eastern Railway and Baylink to cities such as Archendale, Alexandria, Cape Coral and Paradise Hills, as well as the SR3 highway to Montego Bay. Bayview hosts multiple modes of transport within its city, such as a tram system along main roads, a Port and a metro system under construction. Bus and taxi stops are frequent throughout the city. There are further plans to construct a monorail to navigate the city's upcoming suburbs.
Bayview International Airport is one of the largest on the server, sitting on 40,000 blocks of land.
Public Buildings
As of March 2023 the city has 10 public buildings with 5 more under construction
The completed buildings include: An airport, train station, theatre, stadium, brewery, town hall, bank, military base, pagoda and car dealership.
A stock exchange, courthouse, ferry terminal, power plant and water treatment facility are under construction.